If you are ready to overcome anxiety, develop your confidence and start moving your career or your social life forward, I can help.
The hypnotherapy programme will be completely tailored to you and address your particular needs. We'll work on those deeper and perhaps very well-established anxieties, fears, worries, phobias, limiting beliefs and other blocks that are stopping you from progressing in life.
I'll also teach you some great techniques that you can use whenever you need a little boost of confidence.
45-minute initial consultation and assessment session £30
All consultations are completely private and confidential and there is no obligation to book the full programme. It's important that I feel I can help you and that you feel I am the right therapist for you before we decide to work together. This is why I do a full assessment during that initial consultation. I will do all I can for you, but I will only work with people who are committed to investing in themselves and to putting in the effort required to make those changes. If you'd rather come and see me in person in Exeter or Plymouth for that first meeting, please get in touch and we'll book you in.
Anxiety is a normal, human feeling that affects us all from time to time.
When we face stressful situations, it can set off our brain's in-built alarm system, which tells us something isn't right and that we need to deal with it.
Sometimes, anxiety crops up to remind us that something is important and it encourages us to work harder. So, anxiety itself can be very useful.
If you're constantly feeling stressed or worried or you find yourself having random anxiety or panic attacks, that's when anxiety can become a problem. It can stop you from progressing in your career or business. It can hold you back from having a fulfilling social life. I've been there myself, so I totally understand.
The great news is that you don't have to live this way. You aren't just an "anxious" or "nervous" person. You CAN overcome generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), health anxiety, phobias, and panic disorder. You just need the right kind of help.
Are you ready to take control of that anxiety for good, just like my previous clients?
Ivonne, Canada
"Thank you so much for helping through my anxiety. I have told my close friends and family just how life changing your practice is. You guided me in finding my confidence and strength to over power my anxious triggers; something I felt so consumed by, now does not hold real estate in my mind. You showed me the tools and techniques I need to manage anxiety and continue to grow as a confident individual. Hypnotherapy helped me reach a level of understanding of myself that gives me the ability to lessen those anxious triggers, which in turn has now given confidence to even accept my ‘failures’. Thank you so much Laura."
Johanna, Buckfastleigh, Devon
"After losing my job, being unable to go anywhere in public, or meeting up with anyone including close friends and family. It was time for anxiety to stop controlling my life, my father suggested I tried it and I’m thankful he booked sessions with Laura for me. I’m the typical textbook anxiety case. Panic attacks, nausea, numb and painful limbs, migraines, you name it I get it. Medication was only doing so much. Laura really has changed my life. I have learnt the tools needed to get me through basic life tasks that used to be like facing a den full of hungry lions. I can go food shopping on my own again, which seems like a basic task, but before I would be close to fainting at the thought of being in a shop. She has given me the skills to be able to open scary emails, answer phone calls and make them without any feeling of nausea. I can now meet new people and talk freely without any thoughts creeping into my mind. I can finally go into crowds and not feel like I’m being suffocated. Not only has she given me confidence in myself again but has given tools for me to use weekly to carry on this state of mind. I could not recommend this enough. If you’re thinking about having sessions, do it. It truly is life changing and will change the way you view your anxiety and give you the tools to acknowledge it but not let it control your life anymore."

Get in Touch!
You are welcome to contact me via email, telephone or the message facility below. If you'd like an online consultation, please click here to make an appointment. Please call or message me to book an initial consultation in person in either Exeter or Plympton.